- All items are described to the best of the sellers knowledge.
- All items are sold as seen.
- Hesitant buyers should email the seller for more photos or any enquiries before confirming a sale.
- All prices are in UK Pounds Sterling, and US Dollars unless quoted otherwise.
- All items are sold on a first come first serve basis.
- It is the buyers responsibility to confirm that orders are correct.
- Goods are sent on conditions of the buyers request.
- Insurance is extra and paid for on request of the buyer.
- The buyer takes full responsibility for goods once sent, including loss and damages.
- If on receipt of goods the buyer is unhappy with their purchase, the buyer has seven days to return the item at the buyers
- expense unless an error has been made by the seller.
- Refunds are acknowledged if the goods have not been damaged or tampered with once sent.
- Full refunds are given excluding shipping charges.
- Refunds are made in the form of original method of payment.